Beach Life | Ordinary Moments #17 & 18

The past couple of weeks have been busy and cold. Which means not a lot of time for photographs to be taken. If i’m completely honest the Easter hols wiped it out of me and I haven’t had much oomph to pick up my camera.

We had one nice weather day this week so we took advantage and made a trip to the beach before picking up Harvey from his Dads. We forgot coats and the wind was freezing my nose but the the kids didn’t seem to mind so we rolled with it. We missed Joe and Harvey heaps and they made several comments about the fact they would have loved to be there and ‘If Daddy was here he could have bought us an ice cream!’ (apparently I am incapable of doing such things. I am only good for cooking.)

I have been mulling over my blog the past couple of weeks too and I am definitely lacking motivation. I have a couple of posts buzzing around in my head but I can’t seem to put ideas to keyboard and end up deleting anything I have written. I love this project as it means it’s a solid post every week, unless you forget… Which is quite often here.

You are probably aware if you read my blog often that we dip into the world of videoing and vlogging every now and again. Being a photographer, it never really crossed my mind to ever switch to video but last year I took the leap and ended up really bloody loving it. It is hard work, and I have NO idea how some people daily vlog. I guess I put a lot of pressure on myself too to have some half decent footage so the when I saw the idea of a Sixty Second Photograph project I was quite excited.

It is essentially a short cinematography type video that captures a specific moment. In just 60 seconds (or there abouts). I first saw Summer Murdock do this and from there I discovered a few other really incredible photographers. Having first hand knowledge of a camera you would think that switching to video would be a simple process. It really isn’t! So hats off to these incredible women who seem to smash every expectation each month with their videos.

Here is my 1st attempt… Go easy on me!

And some snaps from our little trip to seaside…

Char x


3 thoughts on “Beach Life | Ordinary Moments #17 & 18

  1. What a beautiful video! I am so impressed, I could never produce something so creative and professional looking. I am trying really hard with my photos and videos, but I’m finding it really frustrating at the moment how rubbish I am at it. I guess it’s just a slow process and lots and lots of practice for people like me who aren’t a natural. I’m so inspired by people like you though, I will carry on trying and hope that one day it clicks!


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