Me and Mine | June ’17


Oh dear. It seems the last time I blogged was May’s Me and Mine photos. I am a truly lazy and rubbish blogger this month, but that’s okay, isn’t it?!

June has been filled with a lot of work, a lot of sun and a lot of mild stress. It’s been busy, I feel like i’ve hardly seen the children at all and July is set to be even busier. Peek wedding season for me means I haven’t got a single full day with all 3 kids together until they break up from school. I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am for them to break up!! Camping trips, pool days and evenings by the sea will be filling our August – Bring it ooonnn.

So not only did I fail on a sunny gorgeous photo this month, I literally took these TODAY. On the day they are meant to go live. WHOOOOPS.

I hope everyone has had a ruddy lovely July!


Do go check out the other wonderful co hosts and have a nosey at their photos too. Lucy, Alex, Katie, Fritha, Jenny and Lucy.

The big smoke

A weekend spent in London, wandering the streets of Shoreditch and marvelling through Brick Lane.

Great company, delicious food, good weather, lots of (some terrible) cocktails, a gig and barrels of laughs. Not so great ending hugging the loo but we don’t have to talk about that, do we?! Overall a bloody wonderful weekend and I wanted to share my snaps here.

Char x


Camping with friends | Ordinary Moments #29

So this week saw a first for us, and what a first it was! A group of us Mums decided a few months ago we would all go camping together. Some of us seasoned campers, whilst others had never done it before. But we took the plunge and booked a couple of nights at Spring Barn Farm!

The idea of camping with no Husbands felt us all with much excitement and complete and utter dread all rolled into one!! I put my hands up and will admit that I totally take him for granted when it comes to days out and holidays. Whenever I go solo it always reminds me of how much of an input he has into family life. So camping on our own was a HUGE milestone for us. I mean, really, what could possible go wrong with 4 adults and 9 children!?

We had an utter blast together and the kids all get on incredibly well. The one thing I love about camping is how sociable it is. Everyone chats to everyone, the kids make instant friends every time we go away and who cares if you trudge around in your PJs with a jam jar full of gin, we’re all in the same boat and its socially acceptable to be a complete tramp.

Yes, it did rain on us as we were packing away. No, the adults barely slept. Yes, we drunk enough between us to sink a battle ship. No, we won’t be camping altogether again. Yes, we’ll be getting a big house instead. 😉

A few snaps from our camping trip. Absolutely GUTTED to return with a broken camera, so a few trips out since we got back haven’t been documented and i’m totally getting into a stew about it.

Char x


Beach Life | Ordinary Moments #17 & 18

The past couple of weeks have been busy and cold. Which means not a lot of time for photographs to be taken. If i’m completely honest the Easter hols wiped it out of me and I haven’t had much oomph to pick up my camera.

We had one nice weather day this week so we took advantage and made a trip to the beach before picking up Harvey from his Dads. We forgot coats and the wind was freezing my nose but the the kids didn’t seem to mind so we rolled with it. We missed Joe and Harvey heaps and they made several comments about the fact they would have loved to be there and ‘If Daddy was here he could have bought us an ice cream!’ (apparently I am incapable of doing such things. I am only good for cooking.)

I have been mulling over my blog the past couple of weeks too and I am definitely lacking motivation. I have a couple of posts buzzing around in my head but I can’t seem to put ideas to keyboard and end up deleting anything I have written. I love this project as it means it’s a solid post every week, unless you forget… Which is quite often here.

You are probably aware if you read my blog often that we dip into the world of videoing and vlogging every now and again. Being a photographer, it never really crossed my mind to ever switch to video but last year I took the leap and ended up really bloody loving it. It is hard work, and I have NO idea how some people daily vlog. I guess I put a lot of pressure on myself too to have some half decent footage so the when I saw the idea of a Sixty Second Photograph project I was quite excited.

It is essentially a short cinematography type video that captures a specific moment. In just 60 seconds (or there abouts). I first saw Summer Murdock do this and from there I discovered a few other really incredible photographers. Having first hand knowledge of a camera you would think that switching to video would be a simple process. It really isn’t! So hats off to these incredible women who seem to smash every expectation each month with their videos.

Here is my 1st attempt… Go easy on me!

And some snaps from our little trip to seaside…

Char x


Our Easter Holidays & Vlogging!

If you follow me on twitter you’ll know we have been vlogging over the Easter holidays! I have been a bit rubbish this week, I was hoping to complete the full 2 weeks of vlogster but we have missed 2 days, not that it is a big deal. After all, who cares!? 😉 We will be picking it back up again this week and have a busy few days planned so i’m excited to share some, hopefully, cool videos!

I have loved getting a bit more creative with videoing, of course I love taking photographs still but videoing feels deeper. You can see the way the kids move, walk, talk. You can see how they laugh, their facial expressions and their personality. It has been so lovely looking back on last years videos too so I know that in a year or so we will love looking back at the current vlogs we are doing.

Not only is it great for us to catalogue their lives, it is great for family and friends who don’t get to see us as often as we would all like or just want to keep up with our day to day activities. We have had a lovely time off, lots of trips to the park and Elsie has learnt to ride her bike with no stabilisers! Milestone alert!!

Of course, I would love some new subscribers, I have about 20 at the moment. Freakin’ Zoella eat your heart out 😉 You can find my channel HEEERE.

So here are a few vlogs of our week so far… (And some photos at the end too!)

If you have a YouTube channel I would LOVE to come follow you, please comment your links!

Some photos from our week so far…


Char x

Life Unexpected
Let's Talk Mommy